The FAA has been discussing Remote ID for years now, and we finally have the NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making). This is not a final regulation, but shows us the direction they want to head. Also very important is the ability for anyone – including you and me – to leave comments about how we feel this NPRM will affect us. The FAA has to read these comments as they begin considerations for the final rule on Remote ID. Again, this is NOT a final rule, and I have a really strong suspicion that a lot of things could be changing for the final rule, mostly due to the reaction the community is having to this. There is no need to overact yet about any of this because there is time for changes to be made before the final rule comes out, probably sometime in 2021.

The NPRM for Remote ID is a 300+ page document and it’s not much of a page turner, so I am going to just give you a really brief rundown on the basics of what is being proposed. Since I am primarily a commercial drone operator, that is the perspective this is coming from. That being said, keep in mind that we are not just talking about commercial operators here, this covers EVERYONE. So it will apply to the commercial drone operator flying a 50lb drone down to a hobbyist flying a foam board plane.

Once the final rule is released the FAA wants full integration of Remote ID within 3 years. That breaks down into 2 years for drone manufacturers to get out models of their drones that are compliant and approved by the FAA, then 1 year additional year for operators to get drones that are compliant.

There are 3 basic types of flights that will exist once this is in place.

The main type will be standard Remote ID flights. This will encompass the vast majority of drone operations out there. In order to meet the requirements here a drone must be declared compliant by the manufacturer and marked as being compliant. The drone from takeoff to landing will wirelessly broadcast the required information which can be picked up by people in wireless range of the drone. Additionally, using the internet, the same info needs to be transmitted to a Remote ID service provider which we will discuss later. That means 2 ways the info is being sent out, one that is local, and one that is internet based. So what elements is the drone sending out for others to view.

  • Its serial number (which will be tied to the drones registration number and allow the FAA to get ahold of the operator if needed)

  • The location and altitude of the control station (operators location)

  • The location and altitude of the drone

  • A time stamp

  • An indication of the drones emergency status (lost link, downed aircraft, etc.)

These elements are  being continually broadcast for the duration of the flight. With this standard type of flight the local broadcast from the drone must always happen or the drone will have to land. Then the internet connection is also a must, but if you are flying in the middle of nowhere where no internet available, then the flight can still take place. Again though, if the internet is available the minimum info must be sent out to a service provider.

The second type of flight is called limited remote ID and seems like it is geared towards drone racing or maybe tethered flights. With this type of operation the drone is only sending info from an internet connection to the Remote ID service providers, but the drone must always be within 400’ of the operator. For these flights, since there is no local broadcast, if there is no internet connection then the flight cannot happen or has to be terminated.

The third type of flight is for drones or aircraft that are not able to do remote ID. So this would include older drones, custom built drones, R/C aircraft, and drones that are under .55 lbs and don’t require registration. These flights can only take place at FAA-recognized identification areas. These are specific locations (most of them will be AMA fields) that have applied and been approved for non-remote ID flights. During the flight the aircraft must operate within visual line of sight of the operator. These sites will be the ONLY place that drones without remote ID can operate.

Now let’s go back to the remote ID service providers. These are going to be similar to the services we use now for LAANC, and I think some of the LAANC companies will also participate as remote ID service providers. The NPRM is a little fuzzy about what happens with them, but presumably they collect the information on drone flights for their connected users, then this information is made publicly available somehow. They are required to retain the data for 6 months before they can delete it.

One other point in the NPRM that I want to mention is that the FAA wants to ban drones from using transponders or ADS-B, which are two ways that planes send their location to each other and to ATC. This isn’t really a big deal as the end goal is seemingly to merge the ADS-B data and UTM data where it can all be viewed and used for deconflicting aircraft – both manned and unmanned - that are on a course to collide.

Now I want to dive into my opinions on all of this and how it will affect various groups. To do this let’s have kind of like a winners and losers discussion.

First let’s talk about manufacturers. If you are a big manufacturer (DJI, Yuneec, Parrot, Autel, etc.) then this is a massive win. Those are large companies who will need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get new models set that are compliant, but they also stand to sell millions of new drones since no existing drones can be retrofitted to work with Remote ID, and will be obsolete (unless you only want to fly at AMA fields). The federal government and FAA are pushing Remote ID, so I’m not going to go so far as to say the manufacturers are part of a conspiracy to sell more drones, but this certainly will force a ton of new drone sales. And before people say that DJI is behind this, keep in mind that DJI was on the committee to advise the FAA on Remote ID, had a proposal that would have meant most current drones on the market would work under Remote ID, then the FAA heavily deviated from the committees recommendations to give us the NPRM we are looking at here. The losers from this perspective are the small to midsize manufacturers - companies that build small batches of drones for hobbyists, custom cinema rigs, custom inspection drones, etc. Under the NPRM every drone or remote aircraft sold requires a specific serial number system to be used, one that no one is currently using. That means everyone including small manufacturers have to swap to a new serial number system, and all manufacturers will be forced into the costs of getting their drones engineered and built to be Remote ID compliant, and then the added costs of declaring compliance with the FAA. Even by the FAA’s estimates that could be $30,000+ per drone model with ongoing costs for continual testing and record keeping required under the new regulations. And that’s just one of the more significant burdens put onto manufacturers (there are others). This is probably going to bring some smaller companies to decide that building drones is not worth the added effort and cost, potentially leading them to close their business. Not everyone is backed by big money from a VC firm. The best case scenario is probably for places that sell model aircraft like Flite Test where they can continue to sell model aircraft that are not Remote ID compliant and assuming their buyers are only flying them at FAA-recognized identification areas. But Remote ID would still probably cut into sales as people might not want to fly solely at these approved locations.

Next we have Remote ID service providers. They are just winning, really no losses here. Some of these will be provided free of charge, but others will have user fees to access their services. Service providers will also be holding valuable drone data (as well as presumably handing that off to the FAA). There is money to be made here for sure.

Last, is the group who loses the most here, and that is drone operators. While the FAA discusses promises of night ops, flight over people, and eventually beyond-visual-line-of-sight, none of that is actually a part of the proposal. There aren’t any real and immediate benefits to drone operators here, but boy are there a lot of loses. Due to the fact that the FAA wants to require a new standardized serial number system, NO EXISTING drone on the market or sold to date would be Remote ID compliant under this NPRM. So millions of drones – hobbyist and commercial - would be restricted to operation at FAA-recognized sites where Remote ID is not required.

Let’s talk specifically about hobbyists. If you plan to buy a new drone and fly under Remote ID then you will be in the clear and just able to fly as usually – just make sure you know and follow all of the laws because the FAA is recording your flight data, and be aware that anyone can see where your drone is and where you are operating from. But for hobbyists who for 80+ years have enjoyed building their own R/C aircraft, they are now stuck flying only at FAA-recognized sites. A major issue here is that these sites aren’t necessarily public locations. Almost all of the sites will be AMA fields that are privately owned and not accessible unless you are an AMA member. Ok, so why not request your own FAA-recognized site? You have to be an FAA recognized CBO (community based organization) to do that. As well, the FAA states in the NRPM (page 174) that their intent is the phasing out FAA-recognized sites over time – meaning continually fewer and eventually no locations for flying R/C without Remote ID. From my viewpoint the FAA is really showing that they do not care about hobbyists, and are essentially moving toward eradicating the entire model aircraft hobby. You could own a piece of land a hundred miles from anything civilized, but because it’s not an FAA-recognized site, flying a model plane without Remote ID on that land would be against federal law.

So what about commercial operators? Commercial operators lose out big by having to broadcast their operational location to the public. That’s right - I don’t just mean where your drone is at, but also where you as the operator are at. If this info were only available to law enforcement that would be one thing, but the FAA has said that all of the required information that is broadcast by Remote ID is public info. As commercial operators we fly a lot, and anyone who has a lot of hours flying drones is familiar with how many questions you get asked by people in passing, or by the person who thinks you are spying on them. Throw in occasional threats to shoot your drone down – or even shoot you in some extreme cases, and sometimes even under current laws, operating drones can be risky sometimes. And now the FAA wants to hand your exact location to anyone who sees your drone and has an app to view the info that it’s broadcasting. This is not safe for operators, and frankly is not safe for the airspace.  The FAA tries to justify that pilots in general aviation are identified because they are tied to the plane and in communication with ATC, which is true, however manned aircraft are generally taking off from secure locations where random people cannot see their location and walk up to bother or threaten them during a flight. This info should only be available to law enforcement and federal officials, not to the general public.

There are other issues with the NPRM that the FAA needs to consider as well. It has taken 10 years for the FAA to get ADS-B, like the general aviation version of Remote ID, fully implemented into manned aircraft. There are way less manned aircraft than there are UAS, plus general aviation pilots are usually fairly well informed and take the regulations very seriously. But in less than 1/3 that amount of time the FAA expects unmanned aircraft all be compliant, and are basing Remote ID on the drone registration system that is (whether they want to accept it or not) nowhere near full compliance even though it has been in place for years! There is still a significant amount of ignorant or poorly informed people operating drones, as well as a whole lot of people who think laws for drone are ridiculous and just don’t care. Until that is addressed the FAA will never see full compliance and will still see existing drones in the air that are not Remote ID compliant.

One of the biggest justifications given for why we need Remote ID is national security. Multiple examples are listed of drones causing flight delays at airports, dropping brochures over sporting events, dropping drugs into prisons, etc., but all of that being used as reasoning is totally fear based and just not reality. Sure, there a lot of uneducated operators out there who in the future could be using a drone with remote ID, might do something dumb, and this technology will allow the authorities to have an exact location on them to deal with that problem. However, if there are knowledgeable criminals looking to drop drugs into prisons, harm people in a stadium with a drone, or spy on critical infrastructure, more than likely they will be using a custom built rig or some drone that doesn’t have remote ID built in (like one of the millions of drones that already exist). In that case Remote ID does absolutely nothing for safety or security! The only solution that truly helps out national security is to have UAS detection or counter UAS systems in place at locations that have security concerns. Security is grossly overused in the NPRM as a rational for Remote ID, and it is very evident that the Department of Homeland Security and/or the FBI had some hand in the crafting of the NPRM.

Another item that could be of some concern is the use of serial numbers. In general, serial numbers are things you keep fairly private as maintenance of drones and warranty repairs are tied to a drones serial number. According to the NPRM you are required to register every drone individually, so I just don’t get the reasoning to not just use the registration number for Remote ID broadcast. I understand that the intent is for the serial number to be baked into the drone and using that means there cannot be user error in the info being broadcast, but it just seems like an item that should be kept private. Even in general aviation planes display their registration number on the outside of the aircraft, and most of the time the registration number is what is used to identify them in communications with ATC. They are not using any serial numbers off of the aircraft.

The last thing I want to go into is the substantial added workload this NPRM would put on the FAA. For those of you who have been around a few years and remember the early days of Part 107, we had to submit all waivers and airspace authorization requests via a web portal. There were so many requests being submitted that it took 4-5 months to hear back from the FAA on a request, then it took years and the addition of LAANC (an automated authorization system) before the backlog finally cleared up. The waiver/authorization system not only cost the government a lot of money, but also slowed down the industry as people had to either not accept work, or had to wait months for authorizations. With the NPRM there are 2 areas the FAA is adding to their workload. All of the FAA-recognized identification areas have to be individually reviewed by the FAA for approval or denial based on a few factors (airspace, safety, location to critical infrastructure, etc). Just based on the AMA fields that would be well over 2,500 sites for review. That’s a LOT of time and effort. Then we have the manufacturers all submitting declarations of compliance for models of drones. This as well could take a lot of time as everyone who wants to have compliant drones on the market starts sending info into the FAA. Take it one step further and imagine the FAA gets backlogged here and manufacturers are either pushing back release dates. How does that help the industry?

It seems to me that time and time again the FAA struggles to actually view reality and consider consequences for the regulations they put in place. Consider the latest set of hobbyist laws that was put into place as law with a number of items (airspace authorizations and the still not available test) were nowhere near ready. Why is it they are constantly putting the cart before the horse to the detriment of the industry? This is one of a few major reasons there is a constant struggle to get meaningful compliance with drone from the public.

Are there solutions to these issues? Well, if the FAA wants to see high levels compliance with Remote ID then there absolutely need to be changes made before the final rule is released.

First of all, the FAA should have listened to the ARC more and not just gone off on their own. By dropping the specialized serial number requirement and adjusting some of the information that is being broadcast, existing drones on the market could be made Remote ID compliant with a simple firmware update. They also need to write in a way for the flight controller (which presumably would handle Remote ID) or some other component to be the main serial number used for Remote ID so that small and medium manufacturers can use DJI flight controllers (as a large amount of them already do) to meet compliance without adding significant burden to them. The ARC also suggested tiers of Remote ID, where standard drone ops like real estate photos would only need to do either local broadcast of information from the drone or internet (not both), then more complex operations that deviate from the standard drone laws would require both methods of information broadcast.

Second, the location of a drone operator should be information only available to law enforcement and not to the general public. There really isn’t much else to be said on this. If the FAA wants to keep operators safe that info cannot be publicly available.

Last, the FAA needs to find a way to allow for FAA-recognized sites to be established even if an organization is not a CBO. This would allow for local parks departments to apply for one or multiple sites to be cleared for people to fly R/C aircraft and thus help to maintain a hobby that has been around for nearly a century.

So how can we fight to get some changes made before the final rule is released? That is the beauty of an NRPM. It’s a preliminary rule, and now it is open to public comment – comments that the FAA has to read and respond to! This is truly one of the few instances where you as an everyday citizen can make your voice heard before a regulation is created. I would encourage everyone who flies drones or is in the R/C hobby world to consider leaving comments on this NPRM. But don’t just post a quick angry comment. Educate yourself ahead of time be reading more articles like this. Then go comment - make some well informed points, and give possible solutions to issues that you see. We can all help be part of a force to create a better Remote ID regulation.

Comment on the NPRM by March 2, 2019 at this link:

May 2019 - New Federal Drone Laws: Make sure you are flying legally!!!

As of May 17, 2019 we have a new set of Federal laws for hobbyist drone operators. These laws actually apply to all flying RC aircraft, but drones are by far the biggest segment of that these days. We will go through a run down of the new laws, but as of right now some of this stuff (while it IS LAW) is still being developed. That’s right - the laws are 100% in effect, but portions of it are not actually able to be used yet or are still being developed by the FAA.

I want to be 100% honest here - I wholeheartedly advocate for legal flying, but these rules are likely going to confuse people who are new to flying drones. I will try to simplify it as best I can, but there is not way around the technical side of these regulations. 

The official title for these laws is “49 U.S.C. 44809 - Exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft”. At the outset of these new regulations the FAA makes a point of the fact that if you are not strictly following these laws here, then you are considered to be under Part 107 - and that is a whole different set of laws that also cover commercial drone flights. If you want to read more on Part 107 here is a link for that. 

The FAA states there are 8 condition hobbyists have to follow for recreational exemption flying:

Controlled airspace in the Milwaukee area

Controlled airspace in the Milwaukee area

  1. The aircraft has to be flown strictly for recreation purposes. This is the same as the regulations we had previously. If you flying to further a business (even if its not paid), then it breaks this condition.

  2. The second condition is you have to operate your aircraft in accordance with the safety guidelines of a community based organization (CBO). This actually, is also the same as the old rules, but there is a catch to it. According the this new law the FAA will establish  that they haven’t developed a criteria for what a “CBO” exactly is, so there aren’t any currently. The AMA is probably the closest thing we have now, but until actual standards for a CBO are established, even the AMA doesn’t count. So in the “interim” the FAA gives a whole list of rules to be followed that mimic what a CBO might have. To be honest, them seem extremely close to the 8 conditions we are already discussing, which just really adds to the confusion. That being said, here are these 8 guidelines:

    1. Fly only for recreational purposes

    2. Maintain line of sight, or in line of sight with a visual observer (for you FPV people out there)

    3. Do no fly over 400 feet

    4. Do not fly in controlled airspace without authorization

    5. Follow all FAA airspace restriction - like sporting event or presidential no-fly zones

    6. Stay away from other aircraft

    7. Always give way to manned aircraft entering the area where you are flying

    8. Never fly over people, public evens, or stadiums

    9. Never fly near emergency responders

    10. Never fly under the influence

  3. Keep your aircraft within line of sight, or within the line of sight of a visual observer. The last piece is there for FPV people who have someone with them to keep eyes on the drone. Other than that this is very straight forward - don’t fly your drone out for long distances or where you can’t see it. 

  4. Give way and don’t interfere with any manned aircraft. So if you hear a helicopter or a plane, bring your aircraft low and stay out of their way. Always stay away from manned aircraft. You might think it never happens because plane are way higher in the air, but I have encountered flight for life and news helicopters on more that one occasion.

  5. For hobbyist this fifth condition might be one of the most confusing. In class B, C, D, or surface E airspace, the operator of the aircraft needs to have authorization from the “administrator”(which just means the FAA) to fly legally. I’m guessing that’s like reading a different language to pretty much everyone without some aviation background. Let me try to break this down a little. An air traffic control tower for an airport is in charge of a certain area of airspace, which makes that “controlled airspace”. Based on traffic and stuff there are various classes of airspace. So Class B would be a large airport like O’Hare while Mitchell is Class C, then Regional airports like Timmerman are Class D. But regardless of the type of airspace, all controlled airspace requires an authorization to fly. There is an issue as of this writing though - while commercial operators (under Part 107) have a 2 ways to file for authorization, the FAA is not yet ready for hobbyist to get authorizations. So in the mean time, the FAA states that “until authorization are available” they are basically saying you can only legally fly inside controlled airspace if it’s a flying field that has an agreement with the FAA. So for example, in Milwaukee County we have 2 airports that have controlled airspace (Mitchell and Timmerman), but we only have 1 location that is currently considered “legal” to fly in all of that airspace, which is  an AMA field in Menomonee Falls. So as a hobbyist, even spots like the iconic Hoan Bridge that drone operators in Milwaukee love to fly is currently off limits as it’s inside of Mitchell airspace and a hobbyist cannot obtain an authorization.

  6. The sixth condition for flying under the hobbyist exemption is do not fly over 400’ and once airspace authorizations are available, these heights will be less in those areas (say 0, 100, or 200’ depending on how close you are to an airport). This is actually a good rule generally as they do pretty much keep commercial drone operators to the same rule. 

  7. Number 7 is a big one. As a hobbyist operator you have to pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test and maintain proof that you passed it for law enforcement or FAA officials to see. There is an issue here - this test is not yet ready, so this one really can’t be followed currently.

  8. Then condition 8 - your aircraft must be registered with the FAA and marked with that registration, plus you need to know the registration to give it to law enforcement or FAA official if requested. This law has been in place for a while, the only recent change to it was that now markings have to be on a visible location of the drone where nothing has to be removed to see the registration.

So like it or not, as a hobbyist drone operator, there are the new rules. If you’re not confused and that stuff all makes sense, then congrats! 

To close out I’m going to inject my opinions here a bit on all of this. To be frank, the FAA sure hasn’t done the public any favors to make this simple, which also means they haven’t done themselves any favors on getting people to follow these laws either. Like I said earlier, I will always advocate for people to follow the laws no matter how screwed up they are, but the FAA makes it tough to even explain all of this to anyone who just got a drone, or even the kid up the road who likes to fly model planes, all of who are supposed to be following these rules. The FAA really put the cart before the horse with this one. My understanding is they were under pressure to release “something”, but it would seem to me that a release like this is really just detrimental to their cause of establishing proper hobbyist regulations. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any question at all regarding these new laws!

Drones and Your Business

So your company wants to internally start using drones for marketing photos, tracking a construction project, capturing visual information on products, etc. There are dozens of reasons that companies all over are looking to use drones these days. But, are your prepared? That doesn’t  just mean do you have a drone and someone who knows how to turn it on. We mean are you ready from a legal and liability standpoint? We are going to walk you through some of the unique issues with using drones as a corporations. 

First off, there are regulations. The commercial drone rules apply to anyone flying to further a business - even if you had a buddy with a drone who you wanted to snap some photos of your business, this legally falls under a commercial operation (pay or not). So unfortunately, while using a drone seems as simple as going to the store and handing them your credit card, the legal side of it is much more involved than that. There are tons of federal regulations associated with legally flying a drone. In August 2016 the FAA passed CFR 14 Part 107 which REQUIRES anyone flying a drone for a business purpose to have FAA remote pilot certification. This process requires taking a test at a testing center to become a certified remote pilot, but then there are all of the regulations listed under Part 107 that have to be followed. Here are a few basics:

  • Drones can only be flown during daylight

  • Flight over people and moving traffic is prohibited

  • The drone must be flown within line of sight of the pilot at all times

  • Flights must stay under 400’ above ground level

  • Any flights in controlled airspace (towered airports like Mitchell, Timmerman, and Waukesha for the Milwaukee area) require authorization from the FAA

The list above is just a piece of what is required to legally operate a drone commercially these days, and the regulations are still changing almost on a yearly basis as legislators try to keep up with the changing technology and demands. So why do you need to follow these laws? We will admit that currently the FAA isn’t staffed to keep tabs on who is or isn’t flying drones legally, however there is a huge litigation and liability factor that brings us to another issue of insurance.

Companies always carry general liability insurance, but GL policies never cover aviation related activities - and drones specifically fall under aviation related activities. If your company has used drones internally and has not sourced out specific drone insurance then you are not covered! The other issue here is the requirement by most insurance policies that the FAA regulations have to be followed in order for you to be covered. If have a claim for a drone crashing into a building and you were found by your insurance company to be in violation of the regulations, then they will not cover your claim. But in most people’s minds it’s just a little drone, so how much damage can it really do? Well, the largest number of claims related to drones are due to battery fires. The LiPo batteries used in drones are actually extremely volatile and a simple battery puncture can result in a very dangerous chemical fire as the battery basically turns into a torch shooting flames (Google it, we aren’t kidding). That could turn a “small crash” into a very dangerous building fire. While this certainly an outlying scenario, drones do fail or have pilot error all of the time, and things like this have happened. Simply searching for drone crashes on Youtube returns countless examples of equipment failures and operator errors that could lead to very dangerous situations. Even when it comes to hiring an outside source for drones, you want to make sure you are hiring someone who is following regulations and is insured because you don’t want to be held liable as the one who hired them if there is some sort of incident. Ask for an FAA certification card and a certificate of insurance.

Another issue is having personnel to fly and operate a drone. We are frequently asked if it is easy to fly a drone, and it certainly is easy to get a drone into the air these days. What is not easy is dealing with unknown situations that arise. GPS failure, compass errors, IMU errors, camera problems, battery voltage issues, etc are all issue that pop up with drones and the more experienced an operator is, the more easily they can navigate these issues without crashing. Then there is all of the knowledge that photographers and videographers learn over time with lots of hours of experience that get the best images and don’t rely on “auto” modes on the drone. While there are certainly many talented drone operators out there, simply grabbing an intern to go fly a drone may not get you the high quality shots you were after.

There are also now criminal penalties involved with flying drones. As of October 2018 it is illegal according to federal law to fly a drone in controlled airspace without authorization whether you are a hobbyist or commercial operator. While today you can still get away with flying “under the radar” of everything we mentioned above, Congress and the FAA are working on how to actually track every drone in the air. This will lead to more FAA inspectors showing up where people are flying, and possibly even them being aware of who is flying legally or illegally based on the user and location data that they will gather. The “wild west” days of drones are coming to an end as more companies like Amazon work with legislators toward using drones for things like automated deliveries. More and more drones will be in the air in the future and the safety of the airspace will end up being managed by unmanned traffic management (UTM) systems, so its best to follow the laws now and stay on top of changes so you don’t get caught by surprise.

Last, when you look at your use case for drones, does it make sense to deal with changing regulations, certification, insurance,  and finding someone who can fly the drone? Do you have the resources to manage, edit, and store all of the gathered imagery? When you really analyze your needs does it make sense to operate drones in-house or hire a source that will handle everything and give you a simple link with everything you need? Remember - all of the legal and liability issues apply to every company in America whether you are simply a home inspector looking at roofs, or a multi-million dollar marketing company.

So, once again, are you prepared? If you have a need for drone services, consultation on setting up drones internally, or just have questions about anything please reach out! At MKE Drones we are not just a drone service provider, we are an advocates for drones in Wisconsin and Milwaukee, plus we just love to talk about them with anyone who is curious.

New Wisconsin Law for Drones!

This week was a great win for drones in Wisconsin! On May 23rd Gov. Walker signed Act 322 (link to full text below) that prevents local governments in Wisconsin from passing drone laws that go against state and federal law on drones. 

Why does this matter? We fly drones in cities all over the Milwaukee area as we gather imagery for our customers, and similarly hobbyist fly drones in various parks and locations all over the state. Having each city passing a separate set of laws for drones would mean we have to try to find, understand, and track laws for every municipality we had to fly in. Imagine driving your car, but having different rules to remember for each city you drove in. The roads are meant for public use and are mainly controlled by the state, the sky is similarly is federally established for public use and is controlled the same as roads via state and federal law. 

That being said, there is room for improvement of the laws regarding drones, and that is happening. This industry is just emerging and regulations take time to figure out in order to allow operators such as ourselves to function, but not be so restricting that commercial operators and hobbyists cannot properly use or enjoy drones. Privacy is also a concern, but the state laws on the books address this fairly well and give police power to handle a situation on the rare occasion that someone would use a drone for a violation of privacy.

One big item we have reached out to various city officials about is drones safety classes. In the interest of educating the public we believe that classes to teach people legal and safe use of drones is the key to proper use of drones. If you feel that this would be something your city might be interested in feel free to email us, or send them this link.

Want to learn more about the laws for hobbyist and commercial drones? Check out this article we did for OnMilwaukee -

Link to Act 322:

For more information on our services:

Casey Neistat: A Symptom of a Drone Problem

Casey Neistat! Do I have your attention yet? Recently an article (linked here) came out with a summary of info from a FOIA request into the investigation of Casey’s drone flying in New York. To put it lightly, it really stirred up the drone community. Nothing gets certified remote pilots fired up like watching one of his videos where he flies his drones, but I think everyone should take a step back and look at this from a little different perspective. Let me say outright - I do NOT condone illegal drone flying in any manner, but I do think people need to be directing anger at the right place. 

There are 2 arguments made about Casey’s drone flights that people want the FAA to address: he’s making money, and flying in controlled airspace without permission. I will start by discussing these, but then I want to move into what I feel is the true issue at hand.

The first issue surrounding Casey that people bring up is that he is flying commercially since he makes money off his YouTube videos. Personally I don’t think that argument is as cut and dry as people want to make it. Anyone who has watched Casey in interviews and videos outside of his own channel will understand that Casey really “vlogs” for personal enjoyment. I don’t know how his financial/tax situation is setup with his monetization on his channel, but the FAA clearly states that a hobbyist is someone flying for fun, and a commercial operator is flying to further a business. When you think about it, if Casey is vlogging for enjoyment and fun, then how is he operating commercially? Consider that what he is doing is no different than flying a drone to capture some awesome photos of a city, posting them on social media, and having a TV station or newspaper contact you to offer you money for them. Casey makes his videos (with some drone footage in them) for his own fun and enjoyment and posts it to social media. He is not a business or brand, and while you can clearly tell that all of his videos are making money for him, that’s doesn’t make it his intent. Your response is - well he clearly knows what he doing and that he’s going to profit. Intent can very hard to prove. Please don’t consider this a defense of Casey, but rather a realistic look at this argument that is made by so many people. (Edit on 7/2/17: The way this relates to the rest of the article might not be clear. There is potentially some grey are here due to the antiquated and out of date policies of the FAA. Due to the modern age of the internet, a lot of things that are seemingly cut and dry to someone due to their personal views might not be as cut and dry in a legal situation. The argument above is simply and example and view of how this could be grey. My personal opinion is that Casey should be flying under Part 107, but this is meant to give a perspective). 

When you consider the above, Casey is really only flying as a hobbyist under Part 101 and only needs to notify any airports within 5 miles of him. I have no idea whether he does or has done that, but as a hobbyist thats your main requirement. That being said, the FAA did start an investigation into Casey about his flight in controlled airspace, and basically concluded that there was a lack of evidence. The way the FAA policies currently stand you need more evidence that just a social media or website post to go after someone. A lot of people want to compare this to the SkyPan case and ask why the FAA didn’t go harder at Casey, but how could they? There are no customers, contracts, records, etc. to subpouna and lean upon as evidence. There might be footage in Casey’s archive that would show him at the controls - but there might not be.  Since the FAA apparently isn’t real big on electronic evidence, their view is that there just isn’t that hard factual item that shows that Casey was at the controls of a drone that was flying illegally in controlled airspace. 

My point with the above is not to get into a huge argument over Casey Neistat or even to defend him and his actions. Instead, I just want offer a thought process that leads us to what truly seems to be the issue and heart of the matter not just with Casey, but with drones in general - The Federal Aviation Administration. The dinosaur of an institution that is having a hard time evolving with current technology. After focusing really hard on manned aviation for decades, then just can’t seem to keep up or get ahead on drones. 

From the time drones started to really come into public light, the FAA has struggled on how to even fit them into their existing frame work of regulations. Then add to that the US governments slow and arduous rule making system that has made slow progress of getting any significant regulations put into effect. Even once we had Part 107 the FAA had an “O crap” moment when they realize they had no effective way to grant all the authorizations there were about to be inundated with. But at least 10 months in we finally have a better authorization sys — wait. No we still have a slow and broken system, and the replacement (LAANC) will likely not be working fully until Summer 2018. 

There is also the FAA’s completely underwhelming educational effort on safety and rules with drones. They have held the occasional campaign to keep people from flying near the Super Bowl, but as a whole there has been very little effort to truly educate the public on the rules surrounding drones, the places they can and cannot be flown, and what to do if someone is truly doing something reckless with a drone. As a result, people view drones the same as buying any other camera or toy. Just buy it at the local big box, throw it into the air and start snapping away - not big deal! But sadly it is a big deal. While privacy issues are totally overblown, issues surrounding safety of other aircraft in the air, and people on the ground below are not overblown. Just as manned aviation has had a culture of safety and making good choices, the same is necessary for drones. This will never happen if there is no true method in place to educate the public. Some people will still do whatever they want, but then you eliminate the issue of people buying a drone and being completely ignorant about what they should and should not do. 

The last issue surrounding the FAA is enforcement. Currently in the US, there have not been any proven, serious collisions with a drone and a manned aircraft, and no one has been killed by a drone. Based on that the FAA continues to place the vast majority of its focus and resources on manned aviation where crashes still occur and do kill people. But what good are rules and regulations if they are not enforced? And what good is it if you have antiquated policies that really won’t let you go after someone using only electronic evidence? Your probably NEVER going to get any other significant type of evidence about a drone flight that electronic. A drone pilot can takeoff, fly, land, and be gone in 30 min, so how often are you going to in person stumble on someone mid-flight for proof?

There are now twice as many registered drones as there are registered manned aircraft, and I’m sure the number of unregistered drones is significantly higher. At what point is the FAA going to stop being reactionary to drones in the airspace? Its time for them to develop a way to properly education the public about drones - and not in a way that makes people fearful. Its time for them to get new policies in place and figure out a method to actually enforce the regulations they created. And last, its time to speed up their internal process of creating new rules (like flight over people and beyond line of sight). 

Its time for the FAA to finally evolve into the 21st century. 


Post written by Jon Elliott, Owner MKE Drones, LLC

A law to kill drones

The government is at it again. On May 26, 2017 a draft of a bill for the US Senate was passed around drone groups. The bill, called the “Drone Federalism Act of 2017”, was authored by Senator Feinstein of California. Before we get into the problems with this for drone operators (both hobbyist and commercial), here is a quick summary: 

  1. State and local municipalities have control of airspace up to 200' above ground level and drone flights closer than 200' to any structure
  2. No flight could take place within 200' above ground level of private property or within 200’ of private structures without the owner's permission
  3. FAA is ordered to provided help to 10 local/state governments to regulate drone use, and inclusion for them in the unmanned air traffic systems testing programs.
  4. No effect on the FAA and manned aviation
  5. There is no noted exemption in this bill for commercial operators.

If you just read these at face value or as someone with minimal interest in drones, you would just shrug your shoulders and move on. However, I would urge you to keep reading as some insight into the mind of a drone business owner and operator will probably dazzle and amaze you. won’t do that, but it will hopefully explain why this bill is bad for the drone industry and would cripple a lot of commercial operations.  You probably notice cool aerial shots in movies and shows without thinking about how they get those shots, but many of those are done with drones and will be missing if this law is passed.

Obviously, the biggest issue here is state/county/municipal being allowed to have regulation over the airspace. Imagine if every city and township in your area had varying laws for driving your car. You would have to remember the different laws for each and make sure you didn’t confuse them. The same applies to drones. There are many times, whether in a city or a rural area, that flights can cross over from one town into another. Now what if these towns had differing laws? Are we supposed to adapt mid-flight to accommodate that? 

Then, think about the vastly different laws that each city could propose. No flights from public property, permits, fees, notifications, etc. - the list could go on forever. If I’m running flights in 4 different cities in a day I am supposed to keep all that straight?? A plumber or electrician might have some code differences between various cities, but at least the majority of what they do is all the same thing and doesn’t really change. This section of the proposed law alone has the potential to crush the drone industry. The US is already years behind countries in the EU when it comes to drones - why do we need to make it even worse? The FAA needs to be left in control of the all of the airspace so there is just 1 set of laws and we all follow them. Cities can currently regulate land use, where drones can/cannot takeoff and operate from, which is confusing enough. There are already tons of poorly written drone laws in lots of local cities. The last things we need is to have more cities attempting to regulating the airspace when they can barely handle regulating the land.

Here is a real world application of how this would affect commercial drones. MKE Drones often has operations that take place in areas that are controlled airspace, and we are granted permission by the FAA to fly at a maximum of 150-200’ above the ground for many of these. This law would mean that all of our operations would be taking place in the airspace that a city is regulating. There is no way to go up to 201’ and keep out of their control for the majority of the flight. And even if we in an area where we were able to go to that 201’+ it would still require takeoff/landing going through that city regulated airspace. So again you'd potentially be flying by 2 sets of rules just to get in the air! How does that even work?

Added to that, an operator would need permission for EVERY property they fly over at 200’ or less. Lets use an example from one of our operations on this one. MKE Drones flies a particular construction site every 2 weeks, and it happens to be in a residential area. These flights also take place in Class D airspace where we are restricted to no higher than 200’ above ground level. We gather still images and an orbit of the site for the owner and general contractor to track the progress of the site over time. Take a look at the photo below that shows our flight path we fly in order to get a simple orbit of the site. I can count 15 properties we fly over at 180’ to get the orbit we need. To be very clear - under this proposed law that means we need 15 permissions! So what happens if someone isn’t home, or if someone says no? Are we supposed to just skip that part? To date only 1 property owner has even been aware of this operation happening every few weeks, and was happy after just a simple discussion. We are performing a legal operation and service that disturbs no one, and doesn’t invade anyone's privacy. If the proposed law were passed, we would likely not be able to perform some or any of our services at this site. But, since the draft excludes all manned flight operations, a plane could still fly at 500’ and use a zoom lens to photograph the construction site or any of these peoples homes, yards, or property with no legal issues whatsoever. But a drone - it MUST be spying. No, sorry. We are here to get the footage we need and move onto the next job, not to see what the neighbors are up today. 

One of the other major issues with this bill - how could any of this even be enforced? People who are ignorant and people who are trying to do something illegal with their drone are still going to do things like fly into stadiums during an MLB game regardless of the laws. Essentially, all this does is burden down people who want to fly legally, and hurt the drone industry by adding additional burdens and costs to businesses and hobbyists that want to use drones. If the police come up to you to question if you are “following the city airspace laws” are you supposed to provide a full spreadsheet showing all your GPS coordinates, heights, and operations to prove to them you didn’t break their law? All of this is completely impossible to practically enforce. 

When you take into account that fact that this bill directly states that there will be no effect on manned aviation, you start to wonder about what the authors were after (most notably Senator Feinstein from California). Over the last year her state's municipalities have been notorious among drone operators for passing laws that show they are struggling to understand that a city doesn't control the airspace - the FAA does. They can regulate the land, but instead of doing that they try to regulate what can or can’t be done in the air, which is outside of their control due to Federal Preemption. It genuinely seems like this bill was crafted to offer more power to state and local governments without one single discussion with drone enthusiasts and commercial operators to see what the effects could be on their enjoyment and their businesses. 

Then, consider that most illegal or nuisance drone operations can be handled by the local police under current laws using disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct citations, and it makes this law seem unnecessary. It actually feels more like something to make politicians feel like they are actually doing something.

Everyone who flies drones, has an interest in drones, or even enjoys watching aerial footage in movies, TV shows, or social media should contact their Senators and tell them we want this bill killed before it even gets to committee.

Post written by Jon Elliott, Owner MKE Drones, LLC

IT'S A Drone!!!!

Over 2 years ago on October 14th, 2014 a drone sighting was reported over Camp Randall Stadium during a University of Wisconsin football game against Illinois. Almost no one noticed the drone except for a photographer from the State Journal who used his telephoto lens to snap a photo of the drone. 

The incident sparked off a Federal investigation with the FAA looking for the pilot and drone that were responsible for the flight. In 2004 as a result of the incidents of 9/11 the FAA started placing much stricter regulations on flights around sporting events. This resulted in a 3 mile radius around most stadiums that is off limits to any aircraft below 4,000 feet from 1 hour before an event starts to 1 hour after it concludes. Based on this regulation, the drone flight at the Badger game was illegal by Federal law. While multiple people were interviewed in relation to the case, a suspect was not caught and the case essentially has been cold since then. 

All of these events really identify a large issue that is affecting drones even today in 2017 - a lack of education. Every day thousands of drones are flown around the country for recreational and business purposes, and it seems almost daily a drone makes it into the news for breaking the law by flying too close to an airport, supposedly being spotted by a pilot flying at 10,000 feet, or for an interesting video that is picked up by a news source. But often these news stories are either not true, poorly reported, or are showing a video that was taken by a drone operator who was breaking the law in capturing the video. 

Despite some less than grand attempts by the FAA to educate the public drones still remain an area that the most people do not understand both in their functions and in the laws surrounding them. So let’s dig into some of the basics surrounding drones - or UAS as they are technically known.

So, let’s talk about laws. The FAA solely controls the airspace in the US and has control over the operation of drones while they are in the air. States and local governments are able to pass laws regarding where a drone can takeoff, land, and be operated from - though more and more cities are illegally attempting to regulate where drones can fly in the air, which according to the FAA is wrong. 

Maybe you saw a drone at your local big box retailer and decided to buy one to have a little fun - what do you need to know to be “legal”? The actual rules are pretty basic for hobbyists. Register your drone (, notify airports and helipads with a phone call if you are flying within 5 miles, check for TFRs (Temporary Flight Restrictions), and follow the flying code of a nationwide CBO (community-based organization) like the Academy of Model Aeronautics. For more on the AMA safety code visit this link:

But what if your neighbor sees you flying and says he’ll pay you to take photos of his business? Now you have stepped into the realm of commercial drones. The FAA defines a commercial flight as one that furthers a business or is done for compensation. So, if your flight has the intent of being used for your business (even just for marketing) or for you to be compensated in some way, it qualifies as commercial. As of August 2016, all commercial drone flights fall under Part 107 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This is a very stringent set of rules from the FAA that requires passing a test, having a fair amount of aeronautical knowledge, and applying for authorizations to fly near airports. For more on commercial drones flights click the link here:


But what if you are just a member of the public and you see a drone flying near you - what is going on??? Well unless you happened have a stalker you’ve been hiding from lately, the drone is NOT spying on you. The cameras on your average consumer drones take great images, but unless they are close enough to you that you can feel that breeze of the blades, they can’t get enough detail to make out a clear image of you. In fact, someone on the ground with a telephoto lens - like the one used by the photographer at the Badger game mentioned earlier - is able to take a much better photo of you than a drone can. Even the commercial drones that do have zoom have to overcome motor vibration and movement which makes it difficult to get a clear image while zoomed in. So, if you see a drone flying around, watch and enjoy this great new technology. Once the operator lands the drone chat with them and learn more about why they enjoy flying drones. 

About the Author: Jon Elliott is the owner of MKE Drones, LLC in Milwaukee. He has hundreds of hours of experience flying drones to get aerial photos and video for construction sites, documentaries, and marketing. He also is an advocate for local and state regulations that promote drones, and proper representation of drones by the media.

For more info visit


But It Was Cheap

The world that we live in has been dramatically changed by technology over the last few decades, and its made who we are as people very driven by the visual. Our eyes are constantly inundated by videos, photos, and virtual reality. These all play into and further our need for a visual experience.

So here is the question: Are you providing a visual experience for the customers, or the people who you want to get your business in front of? 

Most companies can say yes to that I am sure. But what sets your visual imagery and video apart from the crowd? 

There is a big problem - people are being bombarded by visual experience, so it takes something that is truly unique to set you apart from the rest - you need to showcase your business in the best possible light. You need high quality. To do that you have to be willing to pay just a more. Sure you can pay less and settle for something with low standards, but that’s not going to help set you apart in the digital age. 

Lets look at an example of this from a commercial real estate perspective. Jim is looking for an office for his business to move to. The first place he goes is the internet to start searching for properties. There are hundreds of properties available and he starts out by narrowing to the areas he wants to be in, then using the pictures online to determine which sites he wants to visit in person, and which ones he will ignore. If they pictures you are providing are not showing your properties in a good light Jim will just move right along to the next one. While you will never close a deal solely on the photography you present, you can lose a deal based on the photography. 

In the end are you really paying less? We are here to provided that quality photography and video - Just check out our portfolio

How We Fly Legally

Looking for aerial photos or video in Milwaukee? 

One of the things that sets MKE Drones apart from the competition is a commitment to flying legally. In today's evolving drone industry that can change quickly as well as be very complex. Staying on top of changes and understanding the laws is crucial to what we do. So what does it mean to "fly legally"? All of this will be in reference to flying commercial - flying for profit, or to benefit your business. Basically if it has a logo on it, was done for money, or will be used for marketing then it can be considered commercial.

Probably first and foremost is only using remote pilots with a Part 107 UAS certification. This certification is obtained through taking a test administered by the FAA at a special testing center. The test is not easy and requires knowledge of weather, aviation charts, radio communication, decision making, and about a dozen other areas. Then each pilot is vetted by the TSA to make sure that there are no concerns from a national safety perspective before being sent their certification. Every remote pilot at MKE Drones is certified, or has a certified pilot next to them and able to override and take control. 

Once the FAA gives out a pilot certification,  regulations must be followed to "fly legally". These regulations are all detailed in the Part 107 rules released August 29, 2016. One of the biggest rules is gaining authorization to fly in controlled airspace. All of the US is broken down into various classes of airspace, and you need to know which one - any airspace that is controlled by a tower requires prior authorization for flight which must be obtained from the FAA. 

Once permission is obtained, there are still regulations that apply to how you can fly the drone.  Here is a list of a few basic regulations that must be followed to make sure the FAA won't be looking to hand out a fine:

  • The pilot must maintain visual line of sight with the aircraft - without using things like binoculars. First person view on a camera screen does not qualify
  • Flights must occur between civil sunrise and civil twilight. 
  • Yield to all other aircraft
  • Maximum height of 400' above ground level (unless restricted by your airspace authorization)
  • No operation from a moving vehicle (unless in sparsely populated areas)
  • No flying over people unless they are direct members of the flight crew (like the pilot, or an assigned observer aiding the pilot). 
  • Pre-flight inspection must be done by the remote pilot

There is one consistent theme to these rules of safety. The FAA is trying to take a well structured system for manned aircraft, and incorporate small easily purchased drones into the national airspace as safely as possible. It took a while for the US to get these regulations - other countries have had them for years - but they did have a difficult task. Most of the industry is happy with the new rules as it opened up for people to fly drones and make money without a crazy level of red tape and ambiguous rules, which was the case before Part 107. 

MKE Drones flies legally. Its not as difficult as it was, but it still takes a tremendous amount of knowledge before you even learn to manipulate the sticks on the controller. Then on top of that it takes practice to get smooth footage and learn to get the right framing for photos. Does to company you have been looking at using follow the regulations? Does their work look good or just ok? Check our Portfolio and see our quality.

Illegal Local Drone Laws

Many cities across the US are trying to put into place laws regarding flying drones or UAS (unmanned aerial systems). Some of these include requiring a "license" to fly inside city limits, no-fly zones in parks, or limiting drones to only being able to fly in certain areas. But what do the laws say about this?

Legally, the FAA is the only agency that can control the airspace - which technically is all the open air inside the bounds of the US. There is no limit on height. If you are outdoors, once your one inch off the ground and controlling and aircraft, you are in airspace that is FAA controlled. So how does this apply to cities that are setting laws into place? A city can only control where someone takes off and lands from - they cannot control the the airspace once an operator is flying. So let say a city has a law saying no drones are allowed in the city limits. If I as a drone operator take off and land from outside the city boundaries - and I am not breaking any FAA laws - then I am flying 100% legally. The best example of this is the US National Parks. It is illegal to takeoff and land inside of National Parks without a permit (which has never been granted to anyone to date), but if you take off and land from outside the park you can fly over and through the park and you are well within legal bounds. A great case of a mis-placed law can be seen in this article where a law that ended up being removed from the books in Palm Beach, FL. 

Many people claim that the FAA does not control airspace below 500' based on the legal case United States v. Causby from 1946. There are a few problems with the idea of the FAA not controlling all national airspace regardless of height. First, that legal decision is now 70 years old and technology and airspace have changed significantly since then. How can a decision from that long ago accurately reflect where we are at with airspace today? Second, the FAA very clearly has stated that it controls all airspace and has the only authority to do so in the link here which was also mentioned earlier. Last, congress has very clearly tasked the FAA with setting up regulations for drones and integrating them into the national airspace. But drones can only legally fly below 400' - so clearly if the FAA is being directed to regulate drones in the airspace of 0-400' then that airspace is under FAA direction and control. 

One of the most significant concerns people have with drone flights is privacy, but the majority of drones are very noisy when close enough to the ground to get any kind of detailed photos or footage. This is slowly changing with the implementation of zooming cameras, but most states have a some type of privacy law in place in regards to photography. As well, if you are banning drones for privacy concerns, are you also going to ban regular telephoto lenses? A lot of times a ground camera can get a more privacy-violating photo than a drone can. 

Aside from the legal aspect, cities need to be careful about trying to over-regulate drone use. There are really 3 types of drone operators in the world: people who fly 100% legally, people who don't care about any laws, and people who are uninformed. By creating laws restricting drone use all you have done is stifle and barrier those who are trying to fly legally. Operators who don't care about laws will fly regardless, and uninformed operators will continue to fly since they are not aware of a law - but will be moved into the legal/illegal operator mentality once they are informed. You are only hindering people trying to fly legally. 

If you are a city considering a drone law, please consider the above information before making a rash decision. Don't stifle innovation. The FAA also has provided an advisory for municipalities at this link that gives guidance on how what regulations are allowable without consultation from the FAA.

Post written by Jon Elliott, Owner MKE Drones, LLC